Your goals are a challenge to me


On instagram, I show the extraordinary life of my products and what's going on in my business. Want to know more? Follow, like, love, hate.


Design with a personal touch

My goal is that each project carries something of my personal approach and experience. I was born in Gaza and have an Arab background, which has enriched me with diverse perspectives and inspiration. My projects reflect my unique life journeys, but are also open to a wide range of ideas and creativity. My experiences lead me to create design with depth and authenticity.


A return to craft and creativity

I was lucky enough to study at the University of Arts and Industry in Prague, which opened the door to the world of design and craft skills. Here I was introduced to traditional Czech crafts, which are an inspiration to me. I play with the combination of traditional crafts and modern technology, which is especially evident in the field of social media. My goal is to create design that takes into account current trends and needs, and appeals to an audience in a digital environment.


Cooperation with comfort and taste

For me, collaboration is a key element of any project. I like to create in a relaxed atmosphere and with taste. I am friendly and open to discussions. Besides design, I also have a passion for good food and new gastro places.


Overview of current events

She prides herself on her overview of current events in polydesign, graphic design, architecture and contemporary club and visual culture, and above all on her multidisciplinarity, which has led her to Designblok.


Yara - Creator, creative who enjoys overlapping between disciplines such as design, architecture, graphic design. Thanks to (just) these overlaps, he gains a wide range of experience that he applies to his work and creates/designs things with context that are not primitive. Her progress is an inspiration and motivation for me at the same time.

Věra Marešová, graphic designer

Yara! I don't know anyone who has even the same passion for work as Yara. She likes to venture into unknown waters and steer with the help of her many experiences from several fields. If you're not sure about something, Yara already knows how to do it. :)

Dan Krs, Acid coffee

For me, Yara is a connection to the world of social media and the world of young people. I value her insights and I think we complement each other in that she is able to understand what Casua needs without over communicating. I like that she has graphic design experience and can translate designs into contemporary graphics. She has her own opinion on things and yet when we talk we are able to find a path from our opinions that leads to the goal. I like that she's interested and that through her I've met young artists who are equally capable in the different fields we use here, whether it's photos or the web.

Oleg Haman, Casua

Working with Yara is a pleasure. Yara is a talented graphic designer with lots of practical and novel ideas and an eye for detail. She can meet all our needs and come up with something interesting, whether it's a sweatshirt, a diary or a seemingly boring legal analysis presentation.

Johanna Nejedlová, Consultant

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On instagram, I show the extraordinary life of my products and what's going on in my business. Want to know more? Follow, like, love, hate.